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Separation of Uracil

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    Nucleotide bases are parts of DNA and RNA. Adenine and guanine are purine-bases; uracil, thymine and cytosine are pyrimidine-bases. In the view of chromatography these compounds are very polar and similar in properties. It is impossible to retain and obtain base-line separation for this compounds on traditional reversed-phase core-shell column. In this application, nucleobases are well retained and separated on Coresep 100 core-shell mixed-mode column. Compounds are retained by weak reverse phase and weak ion-exchange mechanisms, but synergy of two mechanism provides efficient separation with excellent peak shape, symmetry and efficiency. All five compounds are separated within one minute. Method can utilize UV, ELSD, and LC/MS detection and can be applied for fast and efficient method using regular HPLC system.

    Application Name : Ultra-Fast HPLC Separation of Nucleobases on Core-Shell Column in Reversed-Phase Mixed-Mode

    Column Name : Coresep 100 Columns

    AnalytesUracil, Adenine, Cytosine, Guanine, Thymine

    Uracil and Uridine are nucleosides which occur as a part of RNA. Both compounds are neutral in nature and very polar. Uracil is often used as a void marker in reversed-phase HPLC. A fast HILIC-based method was developed for analysis of uracil and uridine on the core-shell HILIC and cation-exchange column. Method provides good peak shape and retention control. Column and method can be used for analysis of polar compounds in HILIC, and HILIC/mixed-mode.

    Application Name : Efficiency of Separation for Uracil and Uridine in HILIC Mode

    Column Name : Coresep S Columns

    Analytes : Uracil, Uridine

    Analytical chemists face multiple complex separations everyday. Very often, complex mixtures containing various compounds need to be analyzed in a single run. Traditional reversed-phase chromatography has challenges for retention of polar-neutral, polar-acidic and polar-basic compounds in mixtures with hydrophobic compounds. We have developed a universal screening method for analysis of complex mixtures containing polar-neutral, polarbasic, polar-acidic, hydrophobic-neutral and hydrophobic-basic compounds. The method employs Primesep 200 mixed-mode reversed-phase cation-exchange column and a simple mobile phase containing ACN/water/sulfuric acid. The low pH of the mobile phase helps suppress ionization of polar-acidic compounds, making them slightly hydrophobic. Hydrophobic and hydrophilic neutral compounds are retained by RP mechanism, while basic hydrophilic and basic hydrophobic compounds are retained by cation-exchange mechanism. Abbreviations: PN-polar neutral, PB-polar basic, PA-polar acidic, HN-hydrophobic neutral, HB-hydrophobic basic

    Application NameUniversal HPLC-UV Method for Complex Mixtures

    Column Name : Primesep 200 Columns

    Analytes : Homovanillic acid, Amitriptyline, Uracil, Toluene, Benzoic acid, Benzylamine, DOPA (3,4-dihydroxy-L-phenylalanine), Phenol, 2,6-Lutidine, Epinephrine Sulfonate, Hydroxytryptophan, Tryptophan, 2,3-DHBA, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben


    Application NameSeparation of Nucleic Bases

    Separation of Uracil and Uridine in HILIC Mode on Zodiac HST S2

    Uracil & Cytosine Analysis Using In-House Method on Zodiac HST SB

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