Separation of Adipic Acid

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Alternatively, amino acids and other small solutes can conveniently be measured quantitatively with a PolyHYDROXYETHYL A™ column (100-Å) using HILIC-MS/MS under isocratic conditions. In his poster from ASMS ’99, Robert Croes (DuPont Biotech) demonstrated the measurement of amino acids in individual seeds. Analysis of the 20 common amino acids is conveniently performed with 70% MeOH in an ammonium formate buffer. If some metabolites of amino acids are also to be measured [above], then 60% ACN is used in place of the MeOH. This reduces MS sensitivity but affords better chromatographic separation. This is important with some metabolite pairs (e.g., lysine and pipecolic acid) that interfere with each other’s detection in MS/MS.
Application Name : Separation of Amino Acids and Polar Metabolites in Corn Seed
Column Name : PolyHYDROXYETHYL A™ Columns
Analytes : Lysine, Pipecolic acid, Adipic acid, Saccharopine

Application Name : Separation Of Organic acid by Zodiac Carb 64H
Column Name : Zodiac Carb 64H Column
Analytes : Succinic acid, Citric acid, Malic acid, Fumaric acid, Adipic acid
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