Zodiac Carb 87P Column

Home Zodiac Carb 87P Column

Zodiac Carb 87P Column

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    The column is made of spherical, porous, Polystyrene Divinyl benzene copolymer of 8.0% crosslinkage, with Ligand exchange Lead (Pb) form and with particle size of 9µm.


    1. Columns are packed with chemically very stable polymeric phases of PS /DVB.

    2. The varied percentage cross-linkage of copolymers and varied particle sizes gives choice of

    selecting required column.

    3. High temperature stability is exhibited by the columns (up to 95°C).

    4. Excellent performance and consistency is guaranteed from column to column and batch to


    5. Choice of eluents can be used depending on the column and compound requirement, the

    simplest eluent being is Water.

    6. Any required combination of cross-linkage, particle size, metal ligands or other column

    specifications can be provided on request.

    Technical Details   

    Material type : Polymer (PS/DVB)
    Material Purity : 99.999 %
    Cross Linkage : 8%
    Ionic Form : Lead
    Particle size : 9 µm
    Key Samples : Monosaccharides and Cellulose products.
    Comments : Less resolution than Zodiac Carb 87P, 7µm particular high flow rate.

    Details will be updated soon……!

    LC Columns

    Part numberPhaseParticle size (µm)Length (mm)ID (mm)
    ZLS.Carb.78.300.09.80PbZodiac Carb 87P9um300mm7.8mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P9um250mm7.8mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P9um100mm7.8mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P9um30mm7.8mm
    ZLS.Carb.100.300.09.80PbZodiac Carb 87P9um300mm10mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P9um250mm10mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P9um100mm10mm
    ZLS.Carb.200.300.09.80PbZodiac Carb 87P9um300mm20mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P9um250mm20mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P9um100mm20mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P9um50mm20mm
    ZLS.Carb.78.300.08.80PbZodiac Carb 87P8um300mm7.8mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P8um250mm7.8mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P8um100mm7.8mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P8um30mm7.8mm
    ZLS.Carb.100.300.08.80PbZodiac Carb 87P8um300mm10mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P8um250mm10mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P8um100mm10mm
    ZLS.Carb.200.300.08.80PbZodiac Carb 87P8um300mm20mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P8um250mm20mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P8um100mm20mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P8um50mm20mm
    ZLS.Carb.78.300.05.80PbZodiac Carb 87P5um300mm7.8mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P5um250mm7.8mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P5um100mm7.8mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P5um30mm7.8mm
    ZLS.Carb.100.300.05.80PbZodiac Carb 87P5um300mm10mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P5um250mm10mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P5um100mm10mm
    ZLS.Carb.200.300.05.80PbZodiac Carb 87P5um300mm20mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P5um250mm20mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P5um100mm20mm
    ZLS.Carb. Carb 87P5um50mm20mm

    Support will be updated soon…..!

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