LunaaCASO Columns

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LunaaCASO Columns

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    LunaaCASO C18

    LunaaCASO C18 is a robust column which offers high durability even at high pH levels. Offers high retention. A suitable and excellent column when longer retention is desired.

    A most affordable column available as an equivalent to Phenomenex Luna C18 packing.

    Silica type : Spherical
    Silica Purity : 99.99%
    Carbon Load : 20%
    Surface Area : 430m2/gram
    Pore Size : 110A
    pH Range : 1.5 to 10
    Particle Size : 3, 5, 10

    LunaaCASO C8

    LunaaCASO C8 is a robust column which offers high durability even at high pH levels. Offers high retention. A suitable and excellent column when longer retention is desired.

    A most affordable column available as an equivalent to Phenomenex Luna C8 packing.

    Silica type : Spherical
    Silica Purity : 99.99%
    Carbon Load : 14%
    Surface Area : 430m2/gram
    Pore Size : 110A
    pH Range : 1.5 to 10
    Particle Size : 3, 5, 10

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