HPLC Separation of Neurotransmitters on Zodiac HST P1

Home HPLC Separation of Neurotransmitters on Zodiac HST P1


Dopamine, norphenylephrine, and serotonin can be baseline separated using the Zodiac HST P1 column with a mixed-mode approach. Retention is achieved through reverse-phase, pi-pi, and cation-exchange mechanisms. This method enables fast quantitation in various sample matrices and supports detection techniques like UV, ELSD, LC/MS, RI, and CAD. The Zodiac HST P1 column is compatible with tetrahydrofuran or 100% aqueous mobile phases to enhance pi-pi interactions.


Column Name : Zodiac HST P1

Compound Name : Norphenylephrine ,Dopamine,Serotonin

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