Separation of Folic acid
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Small Solutes in Serum or Plasma: Addition of 2+ vol. of ACN to plasma or serum causes the precipitation of > 98% of the protein while leaving most small solutes in solution. The supernatant can be concentrated and analyzed via HILIC-MS/MS, often isocratically. This permits high-throughput analysis of picomolar levels of drugs, metabolites, etc. in serum or plasma. The above analysis of folates, methotrexate etc. is from S.D. Garbis et al., Anal. Chem. 73 (2001) 5358-64.
Application Name : Measurement Of Folic Acid In Human Plasma
Column Name : PolyHYDROXYETHYL A™ Columns
Analytes : Folic acid
Application Name : Separation of Folic Acid, Methotrexate and Aminopterin on Zodiac HST OG Column
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